===================== Configuration ===================== ``whey-conda`` is configured in the ``pyproject.toml`` file defined in :pep:`517` and :pep:`518`. .. seealso:: The `whey documentation `_ contains instructions for configuring ``whey`` itself. To enable ``whey-conda``, add the following lines to your ``pyproject.toml`` file: .. code-block:: TOML [tool.whey.builders] binary = "whey_conda" The ``whey-conda``-specific configuration is defined in the ``tool.whey-conda`` table. :conf:`conda-channels` and :conf:`conda-extras` can instead be defined in the `tool.mkrecipe`_ table if you also use ``mkrecipe``. .. _tool.mkrecipe: https://mkrecipe.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html#tool-mkrecipe ``[tool.whey-conda]`` ---------------------- All keys are optional. .. conf:: conda-description **Type**: :toml:`String` The description of the package. You can use a single ``%s`` in the description, which will be substituted with the value of the :pep621:`description` key from ``pyproject.toml``. The default value is ``'%s'``. :bold-title:`Example:` .. code-block:: TOML [tool.whey-conda] conda-description = "Fantastic Spam!" .. conf:: conda-channels **Type**: :toml:`Array` of :toml:`strings ` A list of required conda channels to build and use the package. The default value is ``[]``. :bold-title:`Example:` .. code-block:: toml [tool.whey-conda] conda-channels = [ "domdfcoding", "conda-forge", "bioconda",] .. conf:: conda-extras **Type**: :toml:`Array` of :toml:`strings ` *or* the strings ``'all'`` or ``'none'``. A list of extras (see :pep621:`optional-dependencies`) to include as requirements in the Conda package. * The special keyword ``'all'`` indicates all extras should be included. * The special keyword ``'none'`` indicates no extras should be included. The default value is ``'none'``. :bold-title:`Examples:` .. code-block:: toml [tool.whey-conda] conda-extras = [ "test", "doc",] [tool.whey-conda] conda-extras = "all"